I: Introduction and the Basics of Energy

Chapter 5: Energy Uses

Today, the world consumes energy in many forms. Its diverse fuel mix includes petroleum, natural gas, coal, all the renewables, and nuclear. By far the most popular fuel is petroleum, accounting for about 32% of energy consumption annually. Natural gas (24%) and coal (27%) make up the rest of the fossil fuels, which combined are […]

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Chapter 4: Energy Basics

The laws of thermodynamics are some of the most fundamental engineering principles. They are the engineer’s equivalent to Shakespeare. Just as liberal arts professors make engineering students learn Shakespeare, engineering professors believe everyone should learn thermodynamics. To begin, the word thermodynamics has two parts: thermo and dynamics. Thermo means heat or energy, and dynamics means

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Chapter 3: Energy Literacy

One of the obstacles to becoming an energy expert is that the energy sector uses specialized vocabulary. Becoming fluent in energy requires mastering the terminology and its nuances. In many ways, the point of this reference is to improve energy literacy by teaching the language of energy. There are many different background terms, units, and

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